
Star, must-do & unique activities that we highly recommend during your stay with us:

Night drive

We start the drive towards the remote jungle stream by around 7 PM, and there is a high likelihood of animal sightings en-route to the jungle stream. There are a few animal crossing points along the road and animal sightings are very common on this remote jungle road that we take to reach the campfire spot. The campfire is arranged right next to the Kalindi river which cuts through the jungle and it is an amazing experience to listen to the stream and the jungles all around while you enjoy local delicacies cooked on open fire. When you look up, you’ll see a billion stars shining as there is no pollution here in this remote corner of the world. You will be accompanied by a trained guide and also a Tribal leader and it is a good opportunity to interact with them and listen to their experiences. We will be back in the Retreat by around 9:30 PM.

What to carry:
Jacket or a shawl to ward off the cold, a torch, mobile phones.

Cost: Rs 1500 per person

Safari in Nagarahole Tiger Reserve

We have a tie up with Kabini and Nagarahole and we highly recommend the safaris provided by them. The safari drives last 2.5 hours and you’ll be accompanied by an expert guide/tracker in the vehicle. Nagarahole has a very high number of Tigers and you are very likely to see Tigers during this drive, along with other animals. The safari is very professionally conducted and if you are a wildlife lover, it is a must-do. It is a 20 minute drive from the Retreat to the starting point of the safari and you can use your vehicle to do so, the jungle roads are very motorable.

What to carry:
Camouflage or dull coloured clothes, cap or hat, camera, mobile phone, water bottle, binoculars, guide books

Cost: Rs 3000 per person

Campfire by the riverside

We start the drive towards the remote jungle stream by around 7 PM, and there is a high likelihood of animal sightings en-route to the jungle stream. There are a few animal crossing points along the road and animal sightings are very common on this remote jungle road that we take to reach the campfire spot. The campfire is arranged right next to the Kalindi river which cuts through the jungle and it is an amazing experience to listen to the stream and the jungles all around while you enjoy local delicacies cooked on open fire. When you look up, you’ll see a billion stars shining as there is no pollution here in this remote corner of the world. You will be accompanied by a trained guide and also a Tribal leader and it is a good opportunity to interact with them and listen to their experiences. We will be back in the Retreat by around 9:30 PM.

What to carry:
Jacket or a shawl to ward off the cold, a torch, mobile phones.

Cost: Rs 1500 per person

Jungle Awareness Trek

Jungle awareness trek is a 3 KM trek (90 minutes) around our retreat and there is every chance of you seeing animals during this trek. You will be accompanied by a highly trained guide/naturalist who will explain to you the sights and sounds that you are likely to come across during the trek. Jungle awareness trek is all about gaining an in-depth understanding of the Indian jungles.

What to carry:
Good walking shoes, camouflage or dull coloured full sleeve clothes, cap or hat, camera, mobile phone, water bottle, trekking poles, binoculars, guide books

Cost: Rs 1000 per person

Birdwatching walk

We get 350+ different species of birds in Wayanad and on a given day, you could sight close to a 100 different species of birds within our property itself. The meadows and the waterholes attract the herons, lapwings, thick-knees, along with the kingfishers, storks, rails and raptors, the fruiting tress in the estate is where we get to see the parakeets and barbets, the wooded areas is teeming with woodpeckers, drongos, minivets, treepies and the garden is where we have the flowers that attract sunbirds, white-eyes, sunbirds and more. We have multiple birdwatching points within the Retreat and we also arrange birdwatching walks along all these terrain. If you are looking for best birding in Wayanad, look no further, you have come to the right place.

Know more about Birding in Wayanad Treehouse Click here


This is a very unique activity that we provide, where we take you to the remote Northern-most part of our Retreat. The idea is to find an ideal camping spot, collect firewood, collect water, get your hammocks, sleeping bag set up and get ready to spend the night in the wilderness under the starlit sky with no human beings around for miles! You will cook the dinner on open fire, we will take marinated chicken, noodles, eggs, soup, vegetables, fruits. coffee/tea for the night. The location is so remote that you’ll feel you are the only human beings in the world and you will not see or hear any man-made sights or sounds during your camping. Once the night sets in, that is when you will realize how alive the jungle is. You will be spending time around the fire which will keep you warm and safe and you will also be accompanied by a highly trained naturalist and a local Tribal elder who knows the jungle better than any. The idea is to experience the wilderness up close and it is also a unique opportunity to learn some of the survival skills such as starting a fire, finding and purifying water, setting up a temporary camp and more! We do not take more than one family or one group at a time for this activity and it’d be a very private experience and we’d also make sure that you are safe. After spending the night in the wilderness, we will walk back to your cottage the next morning in time for your breakfast.

What to carry:
Camouflage or dull coloured clothes, cap or hat, camera, mobile phone, hammocks, sleeping bags, fire starting kit, water purification bottle, binoculars, guide books, other camping items of your choice.

Cost: Rs 2000 per person

Wilderness Workshops

  • Bird Watching Workshop : Half day session where we’ll identify at least 50 different types/species of birds.
  • Astronomy Workshop : 1 Hour workshop on the astronomical wonders of the night sky. We will identify planets & constellations

Star, must-do & unique activities that we highly recommend during your stay with us